Building A Video Promotion Strategy On YouTube

A good video could be the difference maker that sends your sales funnel into overdrive. The internet is constantly changing, especially when it comes to video content. Video is constantly changing as well. New technology comes out regularly, and if you don’t join the masses you might be left out. To keep ahead of the pack you need new and innovative ways to use your videos. How can you accomplish this? By getting your hands dirty.

A Video Promotion Strategy That Brings Results

One of the fastest and easiest ways to land on top of the search results is through keyword targeted video submissions. In my opinion the easiest way to submit video is with YouTube. The search engines love YouTube, and using this as a strategy is a better way to landing on the top page of Google.

Read – Adopt A Video Marketing Strategy To Grow Your Business

Working the YouTube submission process is can be simple if you know what you are doing. You simply target a set of keywords, add a description and submit your video. The keywords will help the search engines to relate your video to other existing videos from other users. This way your video can come up as suggested against other popular videos. How many of your videos can be chosen is determined by how well optimized they are such that they can be seen as related to these other popular videos.

There are several reasons why this is so effective. The first reason is that it’s truly free. You can submit thousands and thousands of videos without spending a dime. That’s if you follow their submission instructions. This isn’t the time to mess around submitting to hundreds of sites. Those that get ranked will have a very high cost of time. The better you are with the submission process you can submit to only the most important sites, and still get ranked. It’s also possible to submit as many times as you like, and in a matter of minutes when using an app.

What does all of this have to do with sales? This is very important. When you get ranked by the search engines you’re making headway with your traffic. That leads to your list increasing or more people coming across your local business. Then your list leads can lead to more sales.

Getting Started With Video Marketing

How do I get started? Well simply create a Youtube channe with your GMail email address and upload your first video to your new account. You can start by leaving the default settings as they are but be sure to change them later as you get more acquinted with the process. Youtube is a great place to get started if you’re new to video marketing.

How do I build my base?

At the beginning it is very difficult to build your base with Youtube, in other words having a sizeable number of subscribers on your channel. It can take months to get to 100 subscribers. However, this should not deter you or make you change your mind about your video promotion strategy. There are ways around this delay and also note that it is not necessarily only the subscribers that will increase traffic to your local business website.

Keeping in mind that we want to use video increase traffic and sales, we cannot focus on your subscriber base alone since it takes time to build it. Besides, subscribers have their role and chances are most sales will not come from them. Depending on the type of your local business you might find that new customers are people who watched one of your videos for the first time. These people may choose to subscribe.

In video marketing, especially with Youtube, the major role of subscribers is to boost views and watch time. With Youtube, number of views and longer watch time help with the Youtube video ranking high and getting suggested on related or similar videos. So that is basically the major role of subscribers and if you have good content you will probably have loyal subscribers who will be watching each and every video you produce.

So to build your base, it is a good idea to do some advertising to drive traffic to the video in order to increase views and watch time and in the process get some sales.

How To Build Video Promotion Strategy

Above we talked about building your base by doing advertising that drives traffic to your video(s). To build your promotion strategy, it is best to use different platforms. The top platforms should be Youtube itself and a blog on your website. The next platforms to use are social media networks followed by pay per click platforms.

The process is you create a video and post it to Youtube then embed it on your website. This is done by creating a blog article and embed the video on the article. The next step would be to promote the video by participating in Youtube advertising to send people either to the video directly on your Youtube channel or to the article that has the video embedded on it. Doing it this way you will killing two birds with one stone. That is, you will increase views and gain subscribers.



Adopt A Video Marketing Strategy To Grow Your Business

You should consider using video marketing in your marketing efforts as this has proved to be a great way to reach more people. The Internet has evolved to the point where it is used for more than just entertainment. Video marketing can be used to help the local community by bringing in visitors, increasing sales and growing businesses. This is an essential strategy to grow your business.

Video marketing can bring in more traffic to your website. Video marketing is known to be a useful tool for companies that want to raise awareness of their brand or product. There are many services that can help you produce your video. Many of the popular services can provide you with a video for a particular product, but you should consider which service will provide you with the best quality for your video.

Also read – 4 Steps to Experiencing Video Marketing Benefits

They should convey the exact message you want in your video. A good video will stand out among the mass of others and will deliver the right message to the right people. However, the video must also have good optimization to perform even better. When you have the right message in your video it will provide more traffic to your website, bring in more leads and generate more sales.

This strategy is very effective when used with other techniques like content marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, online advertising, etc. There more techniques you use along with video marketing the better. It is a very effective way of getting the word out on your brand and will bring more sales. You should consider making the videos available on social media channels like on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

These social media sites are free to join and they are great for marketing your business. Once you do these things, you should combine this strategy with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tactics to increase the chances of your website and video rank high in the search engines. This will bring in even more traffic and a higher rank and this will ultimately increase your sales. There are many ways of marketing your business and using video marketing along with the other techniques to increase your traffic and improve profits.

Video marketing should be used to bring traffic to your site and bring leads into your business. You should consider producing videos that include FAQs, tips, tutorials, reviews, testimonials and educational content. This content should be produced in a simple way so that the audience will understand and could pass it on to their friends. A video can be as simple to produce as turning an article (existing or new) into video.

The technical aspect of the videos should be as simple as possible while still be effective. You should make sure that the sound quality is very good and the content should be kept short so that the audience could watch the whole video. As mentioned above, you should also consider combining it with other different techniques like SEO to push your videos to the top of the SERPs. This is because this will help in increasing your traffic and your brand.

Using YouTube videos is a good way of bringing traffic to your site because YouTube is the biggest video sharing site and has over millions users. It is not just good for promoting your business but also for getting the visibility that you want. This can be achieved by publishing videos on main platforms like YouTube, DailyMotion, and Google Video. You should take note that if you publish your videos elsewhere, you should consider submitting them to these main sites as well.

If you are doing video marketing for your brand or your website, you should consider setting up your own blog and publishing the videos there. This way, you can control everything and publish only what you want to publish and you can keep all of the files and content on your blog.

All in all, video marketing is a good way of promoting your business and of bringing in more traffic. It is a strategy worth considering when you are looking for an effective way of promoting your business.



4 Steps to Experiencing Video Marketing Benefits

The Internet is a global place and with video marketing your brand is bound to be known all over the world. The message must be tailored to the audience of the place you are targeting. While reaching people you must appeal to their emotions and inspire them to buy. You must target those people who are interested in your product. And above all else you must have a very targeted message. That means the video marketing campaign must be targeted to the specific needs of the market you are in.

Video marketing is effective in large part because it is relatively cheaper than most marketing channels. It is easy to do. And it can reach a large number of people easily. People love watching and they love stories. So a simple video with a message can spread fast. That is the reason why YouTube is visited by millions of people each day. Videos can even be used to your advantage.

You can insert a message into the video and then upload it to sites like YouTube, DailyMotion or Vimeo. This will make your video appear as a pre-recorded message which you can give to people yourself when they visit your website. Then you will earn more by taking advantage of their time by telling your story to them and guiding them to your product. It is easy to get started. You do not need expensive equipment. You do not need to go to fancy places. All you need is a camera and time. Or an online app.

Here are the steps to follow to become a successful video marketer:

Step 1: Choose a niche. This is important because a video is nothing more than a story or script. It tells the audience how to do something. So, choose a niche that can be easily understood by your target audience. People can understand and get your message much better if it is told in a video. A good niche is one that they can relate to, so any home business owner can speak about the ins and outs of running a home based business, any teacher can teach about class attendance and work ethics.

The best thing about choosing a niche is that the audience is already thinking like that. Any business owner can easily talk about the benefits of joining a business, anyone in government can speak about tax incentives or political games. For the best results a chosen niche has to be similar to the products and services you sell. So if you are promoting an online business you would have a better chance of attracting customers who are more aligned to the type of your online business.

Step 2: Shoot a video. The first thing that you have to do is to shoot a video. This is the easiest part because you only need to take pictures and the script. If you have a script, make sure it is clear and full of good ideas so your audience does not have any issue when they watch your video. You can either tape your voice or record your voice using a microphone. You can also read the script as well. It all boils down to your choice. Once you have a video, you can edit it and upload it.

Also see – The Importance Of Video Marketing To Your Business

Step 3: Promote your video. Here comes the part where you promote your video. First thing in your promotional plan should be to add your video to your website. Uploading it to YouTube or other video sharing sites is also a good thing to do. In addition, you can even add your video to your blog or spread it on other social networking sites. Remember, your videos do carry huge weight. Another thing, you have to have good keywords and attention grabbing titles to get the best results.

Step 4: Profit! Finally, you have to make money from your video. The main source of money comes from the ads you place on your video. This will vary depending on what kind of keywords you use. There is also a good chance that you will be given revenue sharing offers to place on your video. For the most part, your videos can earn you money directly on your business or participating in revenue sharing offers.

All in all, these 4 simple steps are to follow when you are starting up a business online.



The Importance Of Video Marketing To Your Business

Are you already using video marketing as one of your online advertising strategies? In this article you are going to find out why the importance of video marketing to your business should not be ignored. You are also going to learn why video marketing is so powerful as a way to drive traffic to your business website.

Video marketing is the perfect strategy to use to grow your local business. With the right message and well designed campaigns your local business can grow in no time. This is because video marketing is effective in targeting the audiences more attuned to your products and services. This is also the reason why video marketing is the most cost effective marketing strategy to get your message across to the widest audience.

What Is Video Marketing?

Video marketing is a marketing method that uses video as a marketing tool to promote your business. It uses videos to deliver messages to potential customers. You may also choose to allow customers to comment on your videos and to provide feedback so you can improve upon your marketing strategy or what you are offering.

The videos should always provide value to the viewer so that they gain some from them. This way they keep on watching and in the process learning more about your business. See – Building A Video Promotion Strategy On YouTube

Why Video Marketing Is So Powerful?

It is a highly targeted marketing strategy. Videos are easily sharable because they can be sent via email, shared via social media sites and embedded on websites. Videos allow you to give your message at different stages of the marketing process. Videos also allow you to personalize your marketing message by featuring you and your business. This enhances brand loyalty and builds trust.

Video Marketing is a proven strategy to build your business online and gain the most ROI. If you’re planning to implement video marketing as your marketing strategy you should know why it is the most effective marketing tool so you can achieve your business goals.

The Impact Of Video Marketing

YouTube is now considered the second most visited website on the internet after Google. YouTube has become one of the most visited sites with over 2 billion videos viewed on their platform every day. YouTube has become a staple for those that want to learn new skills, learn new products or even just relax and entertain themselves.

Videos can be a very effective form of marketing as it allows you to personalize your marketing message to your clientele. It also gives you the opportunity to keep them entertained for longer periods of time.

Benefits Of Video Marketing For Small Businesses

The benefits of video marketing for business are endless. YouTube has shown to be very effective in marketing. This is because you can showcase your business in an entertaining way without having to sell or sound salesy.

This can allow your business to reach thousands of people with a simple click. You can also get paid for each one that watches your videos. Videos are can be simple to do with the right tools and don’t have to be Hollywood style let alone quality.

The role and importance of video content on social media can no longer be ignored. You can have a few seconds video to more than an hour long video content on social media to attract even more potential customers to your local business. There are different types of video content that you can use.

Using Video To Explain Your Services Or Demo Products

You can use videos to promote your business in a variety of ways. These can include using YouTube, your website or both. You can provide information on your product, service or business in a video. The video can include tips or techniques to help the client. These videos can help the client understand the product or service more thoroughly. It can also show the client how to properly use the product.

You can also show the client how to solve common problems that they may be experiencing with your product or service. They can also be used to demonstrate how your product or service works and demonstrate its use. The videos can also be used as a guide on how to use your product.

Use Video To Get Clicks To Your Offer

The main goal of a video is to get the visitors to click to the next step. This is the primary goal of a video. If the video doesn’t lead to another step like clicking to your website, you’ve failed to maximize the use of video.

Most businesses use video to get their message across because it allows the client to get the picture quickly and succinctly. This allows the business to get the sales message to its audience quickly without going into lengthy detail.

Video is one of the newest trends to hit the internet. The internet as a whole is being saturated with video because video makes the internet tick. In fact there are many video sites on the internet today and millions of visitors a day go to these sites. This is why you need to be using video as one of you marketing strategies, if you are not already.

Use Video To Directly Sell Your Service or Product

Video can be used in many ways other than just to get a message across to the internet user. Video can be used to sell your product or service. You can use a video to demonstrate how your product works and how it’s use will help the customer. This will get the visitor to buy from you without going into too much detail.

The visitor can see and hear how your product will help them with their needs. The video can also be used to teach your clients how to use your product or service. Video will show your product in use.

Other Ways Video Marketing Can Used

  • Testimonials – When videos are put up on sites such as YouTube you can get a testimonial from a satisfied customer.
  • Reviews – You can also get a reviews on your product or service on other sites. These reviews can be from customers or just about anyone. This is very good marketing for you because you can get a large amount of targeted traffic on these sites.
  • Sales Presentations – You can also use videos to provide a sales presentation. In this use, you present your product or service for sale. You can present it and provide the link to your sales page. These pages can then redirect to your site if the visitor clicks or goes to the link.
  • Instructional – The instructional use of videos are the most commonly found uses of videos on the internet today. Instructional videos are used to teach clients on how to use a product or service. They are also used to explain the use of the product or service for how it will help the customer. It is to teach your clients as well as teach them to teach others.
  • Training – You can also use the video as a training tool. The training videos can be used to teach clients on how to effectively use the product or service. This is another way to train clients on how to use your product or service. The service or product can be for sale on your site also.
  • Demonstrations – You can also use videos to show (demo) clients how to use your product or service. Demonstrations are used to help explain the use of the product or service to clients. This is the most commonly found use of videos on the internet today.

Tips On Creating Your Own Videos

It is very important to have the right video templates that you can use. These can be found at video production websites. Most of these sites have lots of video templates you can use.

It is very important that you study the fonts and the titles used in your video. The font choices will make a major difference to your video being viewed and your traffic peak and trough levels.

You need to use the right keyword phrases in your title and video tags. This will help boost your website viewing. Videos are very important for you to gain traffic. They are the most common method of driving traffic to your website.

You should have a good video description. This will help boost your website viewing. You can use the same tag, title and description for each video.

If you have done the work to make the right keywords, tags and title you should see your traffic levels increase. Traffic viewing levels will rise and trough levels will be very high. The traffic levels will go up and all of this will happen fairly quickly if done in the right way. You can also use a good video as a response tool.

As demonstrated, videos can be another source of traffic to your site. When you have a well optimized video it has higher potential of showing up when people type into YouTube looking for a solution to a problem. So go ahead and use video marketing as one of your strategies to increase traffic your website and sales.



Video Marketing Service

Welcome to Video Marketing

Grow Your Business with Video Marketing

We are a one-stop internet marketing agency. We provide cost-effective and result-oriented marketing campaigns for small businesses.

We Share a Strong Vision on Growing Together with Our Clients

Expert Video Marketing Solutions for Small Businesses

We Create Professional Videos From Old And New Content

Proven Video Production & Effective Marketing Process

Affordable & Transparent Service To Meet Your Budget & Goals


What Happy Clients Said About Us

We ordered a website from this agency and they delivered in just a week. The website is beautiful, responsive and functional. We LOVE it! They also helped with on-page SEO and PPC management. Highly recommended!

– Katherine M. –

We ordered a website from this agency and they delivered in just a week. The website is beautiful, responsive and functional. We LOVE it! They also helped with on-page SEO and PPC management. Highly recommended!

– Katherine M. –

We ordered a website from this agency and they delivered in just a week. The website is beautiful, responsive and functional. We LOVE it! They also helped with on-page SEO and PPC management. Highly recommended!

– Katherine M. –

What We Do

Our Video Marketing Solutions

If one of your concerns is how to increase the number of visitors to your website and have tried everything or you are in a tight, tough and highly competitive market, think video marketing!

You have to harness the power of video marketing especially Youtube. And it easy with our affordable services. If you can have a website or a social media account you can have a Youtube account. And at the bare minimum, you do not need to produce Hollywood style videos. You can easily turn your article text content into video and make it a powerful marketing piece.

This is where we come in. We can help you in this area to increase your website traffic and sales.

Video Production

Simply grow your business with video! We will create stunning big budget corporate style videos for your business affordably.

Video SEO

We will upload your video to Youtube platform and optimize it to stand a chance to rank high and drive traffic to your website.

Video Ads

With our video advertising service, we create videos for almost all marketing goals; content videos, product promos, influencer, etc.


The Best Solution for Your Business

Marketing Video


1 Marketing Video
Your Business Information
Basic Youtube Setup
Basic Video Optimization
Facebook Video Optimization

Long-Term Video Marketing Solution


Youtube Channel Setup
Youtube Channel Optimization
Up to 5 Videos a Month
Video Optimization

Video Ads


Channel Setup
Youtube Ad Setup
1 Promo Video
Ad Optimization
Conversion Optimization

Other Services

Our Online Marketing Solutions

Your Customers Are Searching Online..

Are They Finding You?…

We help our clients get more customers. To increase website traffic conversions and improve ranking positions in search engine results, here are our online marketing services

Keyword Research
keyword research service
Web Development
services website design
Website Audit Service
website seo audit services
SEO Services
affordable seo services
Local SEO Services
Google My Business Service
Social Media Marketing
social media marketing services
Video Marketing
video marketing service
Content Management
content management services
Online Advertising
Online Advertising Services

Maintenance, Reporting And Support

analytics and reporting

Business We Help
Local Businesses We Help
Areas We Service
Locations We Serve


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