You are in business to make money, not to lose it or give it away. While this is essentially true of all business enterprises, certain tasks could be costing you more when not handled professionally. Keep reading to discover the pros and cons of creating a business website yourself as opposed to using a knowledgeable programmer.

“Can I Do This Myself?”

Nowadays, do-it-yourself is all the rage. From fixing plumbing issues to putting an addition onto your home, getting your hands dirty is preferable to calling in someone who will charge you $75 just to walk in the door. The same can be said for website design. Companies offer templates that unfold with a click and do most of the work for you.

Constructing your website from scratch can save you money. With a few tutorials on coding, the basics can be learned. Setting up your website can take a few hours but if you already have a game plan and design strategy in mind, this can cut down on time.

You also learn something new. The brain is always in need of new neural pathways to keep it active and strong. What you learn about HTML and other coding languages can benefit the creation of future websites and blogs. If you develop a genuine interest, there are classes, books and more in-depth tutorials for additional knowledge gathering.

“What Did I Do?”

There is also another side to DIY website creation. Let’s talk about that for a minute. Your website may not look as professional as you would like. Small nuances that a programmer might tweak are often missed by a novice. And, for your viewers, they can spot a less than professional job readily and will shift their attention to your competition instead.

Any task that you handle in business has a time requirement attached to it. When you are unfamiliar with the technical aspect of the task, such as website creation, there is also a learning curve. What was meant to save you time and money will end up costing you more in lost revenue, time away from other marketing strategies, as well as the cost of bringing in a professional to fix what you have cobbled together.

Your website may come out looking great, on the other hand. But, if you’ve used a website design tool for ease of use, then the website most likely will resemble hundreds of others – but with your name on it. A business that is poised to make money and command its industry needs a unique aspect and branding. You won’t find that using cookie cutter software and templates.

How will you handle the question of website creation for your company? The final decision is up to you.

6 Steps To Building A Local Business Website?

It is time for your business to reach the next level – presence on the internet. Now that you are ready to develop a website for your business, where do you begin? We will take you through a few basic steps to get you going on your first website.

6 Ways to Keep Your Website Fresh?

Wouldn’t you prefer something fresh over something stale? If we were talking food, you’d undoubtedly say yes. Well, websites are much the same. A visitor who continues to find the same old content or images will eventually move on. Below are six ways to ensure that your visitors keep coming back to you for more


Using WordPress to Build a Website?

Do you own a business? Well, it’s about time that you had a website to showcase and advertise what you do and how well you do it. When it comes to building a website, there are several options. Some of the work won’t be easy.

Test Your Website Before It Becomes Public?

What is the single most important thing to do beyond creating a website? It’s testing it. There are any number of ways that a website can be tested to ensure that you are doing what you can to reach your target audience, enhance sales and provide your readers with what they need to stay loyal to you.


8 Reasons Your Business Needs a Website?

Are you a brick-and-mortar business? How do others find you aside from walking past your door? In order to grow, something needs to be added to your advertising scheme. How about a website? Below are eight reasons why your business is already suffering without it.

The Importance of Making Your Website Responsive?

It used to be that the only way that websites were accessed was from a desktop computer. Then, everything started shifting towards laptops because they were portable. Now, just about everyone has a mobile phone with web surfing capabilities. So, has your website been able to keep up?


If you would like to have a website for your local business, get in touch with us. We would be more than happy to help you get seen online.
Get seen online, get affordable website created



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