Domain Registration Botswana
If you are looking for domain name registration in Botswana, there are several companies that provide that. But before we get into that let us first get into explaining a domain name, website and hosting because some of our customers need further explanation into these aspects.
What Is The Difference Between Domain Name, Website And Hosting
To appreciate what a domain name is for those who are struggling to get the concept let us look at what is and and the differences of domain name, website and hosting.
What Is A Domain Name
A domain name would be the name of your website and it is unique including the TLD. e.g. and are two separate unique domain names though the first part is the same.
TLD stands for Top-level domain and is the last segment of a domain name, or the part that follows immediately after the “dot” symbol. You can have country specific TLD (ccTLD) like .bw or a generic one (gTLD) like .com, .net, .org, etc.

Some companies would have say 71456345, 72456345, 73456345 such that it would be easy to contact them all you needed to memorize was the last 6 digits and if using Mascom network one had to just start with 71, Orange Network start with 72 and beMobile Network start with 73…
In the same way some TLDs are country specific like .bw,,, etc. .bw siginifying that it is a Botswana TLD. At the same time one could have popular TLDs like .com, org, .net, etc. This has now improved to even have TLDs like .agency, .site, .club, etc. TLD available depends on the domain registrar.
One is free to use any TLD with a few restrictions depending on the hosting company. We will explain this when getting to the hosting company. However, if one wants a website name that can be easily identified to be “belonging” to Botswana, stick with a TLD bearing .bw at the end.
To learn more about what a TLD is read – Top-Level Domain (TLD)
What Is A Website

The directory and its contents can be accessed in a particular way and have its contents displayed on the internet. The layout of the display is what a web designer or developer would have created using programming languages like HTML, PHP, etc.
In a nutshell a website is a directory containing sub-directories and files like images, videos, text, etc accessible and displayable on the internet. Then the next question or point to consider is where this files are stored.
What Is Website Hosting

The directory containing sub-directories and files i.e. the website must be stored somewhere. This storage can be likened to files stored locally on your computer. To access a file you simply go to the directory containing that file and have it displayed on your monitor.
In website terms, this storing is the hosting. So in other words as we are used to saying files are stored in a computer, websites are hosted. Hosting is done by hosting companies which you can liken to a computer – in layman’s terms.
To be in context, a computer stores files and in the same way a hosting company hosts (stores) your website (files).
Now the next question is where to host a website. Website hosting in Botswana is not widely spread as with domain registration. What is important to note when choosing where to host you local business website is knowing what the hosting will provide, cost, support, etc. What can be challenging is that hosting is not universally hosted like a .com TLD by many hosting companies.
Some people may refer to website hosting as domain hosting services in Botswana while in fact a domain name is registered and it is the website that is being hosted.
Getting Them Together

Domain Registration
Now going back to domain registration in Botswana, a domain name is registered with a domain registrar, i.e. a domain registering company. There are several domain registrars in Botswana and they should be registered with BOCRA. The registrars will vary in price depending on several factors and the best way to get a good price is to shop around.
Domain registration can also be done with other registrars outside Botswana especially when interested in buying domain names with TLDs like .com, .net, agency, etc.
The price also varies with the TLD chosen as well as the domain registrar used. In the case of international domain registrars, they can researched online for shopping around.
Normally a domain name carries a 1 year validity period after which it expires or needs to be renewed for you to continue claiming ownership.
If it expires and not renewed anyone can purchase it since you no longer own it.

However, whoever purchases the domain name they have not purchased or will not have access to your website files. A domain name is not your website files but merely a name of a directory so to speak.
Not to make it too confusing, domain registration and website hosting are two different services though a company can provide both services. At the same time one can purchase a domain name from one company and host the website for that domain name with a different company.
A hosting company provides means and ways to connect the domain name with the website files. Once the domain name expires and not renewed that connection is disabled and the two will exist separately.
The website files will exist until the web hosting company deletes them or yourself deletes them.
What is important to note is that a domain name expires and has to be renewed on yearly bases to hold onto the ownership otherwise there is risk of loosing it forever.
Domain Registration Companies In Botswana
- Price,
- Where you are going to host the website,
- Easiness of payment especially when renewing, etc
Let us look at them individually.
Price varies from Domain registrar to another and according to the TLD chosen. Some .bw TLDs cost above P500 while .com and other cost below $20 USD. Usually the price of purchased is locked and you will pay the same amount upon renewal. Some Domain Registrars offer discounts when buying more years.
Where You Are Going To Host The Website
It is important to purchase a domain name after knowing where you are going to host it because some hosting companies do not host some TLDs. Not only .bw TLDs but also the new ones like .agency, .club, .gym, etc. The .com, .net, .org (the old ones) seem to be universally hosted. So better check with your hosting company especially if you would be using a .bw TLD.
Easiness Of Payment Especially When Renewing
A domain name usually carries a 12-month validity period before expiring. Some registrars make it possible to buy more years to make one payment. However, even if they do one may not have enough money or not yet ready to pay a lump sum covering few more years which means they will have to renew after expiry period.
So how easy it is to renew is important. Some companies can only accept cash and that means travel or some extra effort to effect payment.
A company that offers online payment would be a better option because there would nothing extra to spend money on in order to renew your domain name. Some companies will not notify you well in time that your domain name is expiring so you need to make sure that you can get notification well in time – 12 months can be a long time to remember that a domain is expiring.
How We Can Help With Domain Registration In Botswana
We also offer FREE hosting as long as the domain name can be hosted with the hosting company we use. Our hosting offer is not mandatory though we found it very handy when providing technical support.
So if you want to have a website bit not sure where to start, contact us and we will gladly assist.
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